These builds for Mac and Windows are currently in development.
This does not mean the SickBeard version are development versions but rather the making of the binaries is in development.
This may cause a change in the update proccess which means older binaries are no longer able to update ... although we hope this case does not occur. (ok it did happen ... see the note below)
All versions / dates are in YY.MM.DD format.
Builds are available for:
Mac OSX 10.5 (Mac OSX Leapard) to 10.7 (Mac OSX Lion) as dmg files
Windows XP to Windows 7 as zip files
Master is based on
Anime is based on
Develop is based on
All versions before 12.03.26 use an old (broken url) and will not be able to update automatically !!
If you have such a version please download a new one NOW